We get that certification and training can get expensive.

That’s why we’ve set our session prices as low as we can. But we understand that everyone’s money has a lot of ground to cover, and want to help folks gain access to these important opportunities. That’s why we offer tiered pricing for our courses, so individuals and businesses can select the option that best fits their budget.

In addition to tiered pricing, OTS invites anyone - absolutely anyone - to apply for one of our scholarships. Our scholarship program covers either 50% or 100% of course fees to help promote access for all. We offer scholarships to 24 people throughout the calendar year, typically two per month. In addition, one or two non-profit organizations are selected to receive 50% or 100% off their course fees for up to 10 of their staff each year.

Once your application is submitted, expect 1-2 weeks for your application to be processed. If accepted, you will receive instructions to register for your course via email. If your application is initially denied for an upcoming course, we will hold onto your application until the end of the calendar year for consideration in future events.

As always, if you have any questions about the application process or the scholarship program itself, feel free to Contact Us.