Outdoor Training Services

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Artist Appreciation

The founder of Outdoor Training Services, Annika, grew up with art in her life. Beginning with the paints and pencils her parents bought for her growing up, moving into the camera she fell in love with in high school and college, and always returning to the music she loved to play and listen to throughout her life. These days she continues to paint (just ask her about flow art!) and make music.

As such, we feel it’s important to make space to appreciate the artists who created the content we use on our website and social media platforms. These people do incredible work and put up with a lot of crap to do something they love.

Our temporary logo was created using Canva. We like their pro tools.

Our logo is getting designed and created by Bri Ettestad, a scientist and artist based in Minneapolis, MN. You can find her artwork or follow along as she games on Twitch using the links below:

If you’d like to see how Bri can support you graphic design needs, please Contact Us to request her contact information.

You can use the list below to find and connect with our photographers: